The Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pithis small low-cost computer, is currently the object of all the attention of programmers and electronic engineers. Indeed, everyone wants to find the limits of the raspberry motherboard. Everyone in his field invents his own use of the RPi.

The first objective of the Foundation Raspberry Pi was to make available to the greatest number of people a computer that would allow them to start computer programming (see our page on Programming with Raspi).

But we have to admit that the success is even larger than expected.

A real community of mutual aid

All the micro and minicomputer enthusiasts who used to work on Arduino for example, but also all the new technology and do-it-yourself enthusiasts have joined the schoolchildren and computer trainees, because the power and the numerous outputs/inputs of the RPi open up immense fields of exploration to these enthusiasts.

The uses are very diverse and are far from being all developed in less than a year of life of the mini motherboard.

The community that has been created around the RPi B allows beginners to start programming. But the more experienced ones also have their own forums to help each other!

Some ideas

Some have made their Raspi :

  • a mini portable arcade!
  • a weather station
  • a bartending robot
  • a web server : to exchange information via an intranet or to take control of some electrical circuits for home automation purposes (e.g. turning off your lights automatically...)
  • a media-center: to play video, music and images
  • a desktop PC for word processing, spreadsheet use, e-mail consultation..
  • many other projects and ideas on our facebook page !
  • it's your turn to play!

Find also the ideas and achievements proposed during our competition ! (see community section)

The Pi Store

Applications are also available on the Pi Store for those who are looking for turnkey solutions.